Diamond micron powder is mainly divided into three types: single-crystal diamond micron powder, polycrystalline diamond micron powder, and nanodiamond micron powder.
Single-crystal diamond micron powder is produced from artificial diamond single-crystal abrasive grains, which are crushed, shaped, and manufactured using special processes.
Polycrystalline diamond micron powder is made from graphite using a unique directional blasting method, where the impact wave of explosive blasting at high detonation speeds accelerates metal flyer plates to strike graphite sheets, converting them into polycrystalline diamond. Its structure is very similar to that of natural carbonado diamonds; its particles are formed by small diamond crystals bonded by unsaturated bonds, giving it excellent toughness. However, due to the synthesis conditions, the production of polycrystalline diamond micron powder is limited, making production costs higher.
Diamond micron powder, with its high hardness and good wear resistance, can be widely used in cutting, grinding, and drilling. It is an ideal raw material for polishing hard materials like hard alloys, ceramics, gemstones, and optical glass. Diamond micron powder products are tools and components made using diamond micron powder.
Polycrystalline diamond is synthesized under the transient strong shock waves generated by explosions. It consists of nano-scale crystalline micro and sub-micro-level polycrystals. Due to its isotropy, lack of cleavage planes, high impact resistance, and high flexural strength, it combines the hardness of superhard materials with the extraordinary high strength and toughness of nanomaterials. These dual advantages endow it with unique physical properties, making it significantly applicable in high-tech industries and traditional pillar industries.
Uses: Mainly applied in chip optical crystals, ultra-precise processing, large silicon wafer ultra-precision polishing, surface modification, etc. Spherical polycrystalline diamond micron powder appears gray-black with a slight metallic luster.
Single-crystal diamond micron powder has a regular and complete hexa-octahedral crystal shape with high strength, toughness, good thermal stability, and strong impact resistance.
Uses: Suitable for the manufacture of electroplated products, grinding wheels, polishing wheels, polishing high-end stone, carving, automobile glass, high-end furniture, ceramics, hard alloys, and magnetic material processing, etc.
Nano diamond micron powder not only retains the inherent properties of diamonds but also exhibits small size effects, large specific surface area effects, quantum size effects, and other characteristics of nanomaterials. This type of diamond synthesized in detonation waves has a cubic crystal structure, a lattice constant of (0.3562+0.0003)nm, a crystal density of 3.1g/cm3, and a specific surface area of 300m2/g~390m2/g. Different chemical treatments on the diamond surface can form various functional groups, making these diamond crystals highly adsorptive.
With the increasing maturity of diamond tool manufacturing and rapid economic growth, the market demand for diamond micron powder is growing rapidly. Advances in tool manufacturing technology also set higher requirements for the upstream diamond micron powder industry. Due to the unique characteristics of diamond micron powder in different crystallization states and particle shapes, some manufacturers can produce different types of diamond micron powder according to different applications. For example: cutting tool inserts (PCD), resin-bonded abrasives, metal-bonded products, diamond micron powder for polishing paste specialties, etc.